Tablo Legacy Account Portal
This account portal allows owners of legacy Tablo DVR models to select and manage TV guide data and other subscription-based services.

I am setting up a new Tablo. Do I need to create an account here?
If you are setting up a white 4th generation Tablo, please visit to get started. Only owners of black legacy Tablo devices should use this site, and only those setting up black legacy Tablo devices for the first time should create a new account on this site.
Do I need a subscription for my Tablo?
4th generation Tablo devices do not require a subscription. If you are setting up a new or new-to-you legacy Tablo device, a subscription to our TV Guide Data Service is recommended to enjoy the full Tablo experience.
How do I change or cancel existing subscription-based services for my legacy Tablo DVR?
To change or cancel existing subscription-based services for your legacy Tablo DVR including editing credit card details, please login to access your account.